
The Running Man Part 4

Posted by in Nugget from a Book

Well, I’m getting pretty good mileage out of this book! OK, here’s a nugget that I’m likely to forget if I don’t write it down : When scientists measured the average speed of runners in the New York Marathon, they discovered that times improved from 19 years old through to a peak at 27. So far so good. What’s surprising is that it’s not until 64 years old that performance drops back to the same as it was at 19.


The Running Man Part 2

Posted by in Nugget from a Book

In Born to Run McDougall explains the role that running may have played in our evolution. Classic evolutionary theory considers our bodies to me little more than a weak container for our big brains and dexterous hands. After all, we’re weaker, slower, and less capable at climbing than almost ever other animal, including our own primate ancestors. Everything can outrun us, and so the idea that we evolved from apes in order improve our running ability is surely laughable. As one of the scientists quoted in the book puts it…read more


The Running Man Part 1

Posted by in Nugget from a Book

I’m reading Christopher McDougall’s Born to Run. What a book! A hidden tribe, super-athletes and the greatest race the world has never seen. Cool stuff, but it was ‘only’ entertaining until the Chapter on barefoot running and the story of Nike. Here are some highlights : 1. Running shoes were invented around the same time as the first Space Shuttle Launch 2. Nike co-founder (and non-runner) Bill Bowerman created the market in book called Jogging in which he claimed that throwing the foot out in front of the body and…read more